Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Life in Pictures

The last few weeks have been hectic around the Fixit household. There have been games to attend, end-of-the-school-year ceremonies, and running hither, thither, and yon.

Owen's flag football team won first place. He is very proud of his medal.
This is the best picture I took of Levi's program at his "Mother's Morning Out" daycare at church. It's my obligatory shot of the floor. It's funny, I don't remember the carpet being hot pink. Anyway, the other pictures were too dark even after editing.

I will always have a picture of the back of this lady's head to remind me how cute Bella was participating in her school's awards day program. All of the ones of took there were too dark, too.

The azaleas and the lilacs have all bloomed and gone, but aren't these pretty?
At the instigation of our younger son who wants to bring back the fedora (I would like to give him a smack on the back of his head ala Gibbs on NCIS), Mr. Fixit bought this hat. I told him he could only wear it when I wasn't with him. When he wanted to know why, I explained. "If you wear the hat with one of you Hawaiian shirts (He loves his loud, flowery shirts.), you will look like the guy on the beach waiting for the ganja plane. And you could be arrested by the fashion police."

1 comment:

Granny Annie said...

I would bet Mr Fix It looks quite handsome in that hat.