Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sniffle, Sniffle; Cough, Cough; Sneeze, Sneeze

The last week or so hasn’t been pleasant. To say I feel like death warmed over would be painting a rosy picture of how I actually feel.

I suppose it started with my six months’ checkup. Things are a bit out of kilter. What I don’t understand is, why do I always get sick after a doctor’s appointment. It would be nice if I could get sick the day before my visit and kill two birds with one stone so to speak.

Cole has started baseball tournaments with one team that he’s on. Saturday was cool, cloudy, with just a hint of rain. They played at a local college field that was nice. Most of the seating is shaded by large trees.

Sunday’s game was played about an hour and a quarter away. They played four games altogether. He did very well.

My problem began with no lunch on Sunday. My glucose level dropped very low by late afternoon, and after the game, we stopped to get a real coke to bring it up a quickly. It shot up way too high leaving me feeling awful. To complicate matters I had used my last dose of insulin the night before. We didn’t get back in time to refill the prescription. I had to try to balance lowering the high glucose and not having the insulin to help with needing to eat.

Monday when I woke (thank heavens, I woke) I had a cold which continued to get worse as the week went on. I was in bed most of the day Wednesday after we had lunch with Bella at school. Thursday I was in bed all day. Friday I had to venture out to buy more OTC cold remedies and go to the grocery. There was laundry to sort, meals to cook, and dishes to wash. I cheated on the meals. I made a huge pot of pasta so it would last Mr. Fixit for a few days.

Today I’m going to spend one more day lying around like a giant slug since Mr. Fixit has gone to Charlotte, NC, to the drag races.

I hate feeling like this! It doesn’t do nice things for my personality. I actually told off three telemarketers. They were with the same company by the way. Why do companies hire such rude people when they are trying to sell a product? It merely ensures that I will purchase nothing from them even if I could use their product/service. And why are so many telemarketing jobs outsourced to foreign countries? US citizens could use these jobs. Surely, Americans have the same qualifications since the only qualifications seem to be the ability to speak broken English and  to be rude. We Americans mangle the English language and can be as rude as the rest of the world. Of course, we expect to be paid well for being so qualified.

See how grumpy I am?


Betty said...

You've just proved my theory that doctors will make you sick, if you let them. lol

Rachel said...

Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa ( may be another solution to cough. i know a lot of people use it, its also non alcoholic, though it's effectiveness is not as good as alcohol based cough medicine, but it's still good to use on not so serious cough and sore throat.