Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Books - The Good, The Boring, and the Embarrassing

My choices at the library two weeks ago were not the best I’ve ever made. I, Alex Cross was the usual Patterson fare. To be honest, I read it first and now I can’t remember much about the plot. My best pick was Gone Tomorrow by Lee Child. When I began to read, I had my doubts about this one, but, as usual, Mr. Child delivered. I don’t think this man knows how to write a bad, or even mediocre, book. A very good read.

I picked two books by an author I don’t think I’ve ever read before--Ted Dekker. I saw a movie not long ago that was based on one of his books. It wasn’t a great movie, but I thought the book would be better. The first one I started was Boneman’s Daughter. I read about half of it and skimmed to the end. I’m glad I didn’t waste my time reading the whole thing. I also skimmed Thr3e. I don’t think it was any better than the movie. I was bogged down by Mr. Dekker’s psychological claptrap. It went way too far becoming mind-numbingly boring.

I also checked out and read a few paperbacks that I won’t mention. They are of that genre that I don’t care to admit that I read occasionally.
After I read this post, I realized that I may have left an inaccurate impression of my reading material.
When I said that some of it is embarrassing, someone, I suppose, could infer that I'm into porn. I'm not!
To give a hint of the genre I mean, think Fabio. E-e-w-w-w! I'm blushing to admit that much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm always looking for good authors.
Louise Penny writes the kind of stories that lure the reader down a path of well laid bread crumbs [clues]. I also like John Hart.
I'm interested in audio Historical novels, with Simon Vance as the reader; Medicus and Incognita by Ruth Downs, books by Ian Pears, and another author I like is, Charles McCarry.
Hope I helped you find good reading.
