Monday, April 14, 2014

Too Little Credit Given

One of my favorite genres of movies is film noir. Netflix has quite a number of them. Yesterday I was watching one I had never seen before—a 1948 production. It didn’t rank up there with “The Maltese Falcon,” but I enjoyed it.

As I was watching, I took note of three of the actors. I’ve seen all three in many, many films and on tons of television shows. What was a little surprising was that I had no idea what their names were. If you are of my generation, you probably recognize the faces; do you know the names?


griffithwalter sande

From the top: Robert Paige, James Griffith, and Walter Sande.

I did a little research on IMDB (the movie data base site) and found that they all had impressive credits by virtue of the number of roles they had played. They were never big name stars, but were character actors in secondary parts. They seem to be hard-working actors who never received acclaim or awards, but they were essential to the films.

I would really like to know if they led good lives. Did they make a good living? Were they happy doing character parts?  Did they yearn for starring roles? Did they die knowing that some of us recognize they were very talented? I hope so.

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