Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Word of the Day

Per Dictionary. Com



1. ragged, unkempt or dilapidated


1. A person in  tattered clothing; a shabby person


1. “He seemed to fit the tatterdemalion apartment perfectly: his dark clothes threadbare, his beard unkempt, his shoes cracked . . .”

2, “To my ear, though, the prose has the tatterdemalion feel of something hooked together by commas, tacked together by periods.”

I love this word, but I don’t believe I will ever be able to fit it into a conversation. If anyone else uses it, I’ll know the definition and feel smug.

1 comment:

Wally said...

I've always called my grand kids ragamuffins, especially after they've been playing all day. I might try calling them tatterdemalions. I like that word too.