There's an old British comedy show, "As Time Goes By," which stars Judi Dench and Geoffrey Palmer. They fell in love when they were very young, but lost touch when he went off to war. They both married other people, but met again many years later discovering that they still loved each other. The show is so (dare I say it?) sweet. It's being re-broadcast on one of my PBS stations and I adore it. I wonder if anyone has romance in their lives like these two older people. Watching makes me feel a little envious.
There is even a comic strip that makes me wondrous and hopeful for we humans. On "9 Chickweed Lane," there are a lot sexual situations, but all of the characters truly are madly in love. Some mornings it just makes my day to think there may be people who are truly and earnestly in love like these cartoon characters. Romance--there's not enough in this world.
This afternoon I was sitting on the deck when I heard voices. It was a very young dad with his two children taking a walk The dad looked so young--early 20's? The little boy looked about 3 and the little girl seemed to be about 2. They were so cute. The little boy wanted Dad to race with him, but Dad explained that he couldn't race because he had to stay with the little girl while she stopped to pick dandelions and inspect every tiny thing she saw in the street. "Oh, c'mon, Dad! Let's race!" The young dad scooped up the little girl and ran down the street in a foot race that he lost to his son but it made both children laugh. It made me tear up again. It was Sweet!
I don't know what to make of these mini emotional episodes. It seems a little foreign to me. I'm glad no
one is around to see it happen.
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