Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cursive Handwriting

I found out something last night that shocked me right down to my toes. Schools, at least in our area, don’t teach cursive writing any longer. The teachers teach the basic cursive skills for about two weeks in third grade. They are taught to sign their names. Any written work to be handed in is printed. The reasoning is that most writing will be done on keyboards so they don’t need to learn cursive.

When I was a student many years ago, printing was frowned upon and good handwriting was considered an art.

What next, no more basic math because everyone will be using calculators or computers?


betty said...

What will all the handwriting experts do when everyone either prints or uses a computer? With all the "dumbing down" in our education system, it's no wonder we're a country of functional illiterates.

Unknown said...

My grand daughter has a hard time in 3rd grade. I try to help her with her math but the methods she's being taught make no sense. Whatever happened to teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic? What this world coming to?