Thursday, September 2, 2010


I'm back! I've tried over the past couple of weeks to leave blogging behind, but here I am again. I discovered something rather alarming. Blogging has become one of my few conversational outlets; it's also a little sad. Even if no one ever comments, it feels like I'm a little more connected to world, and I don't feel so lonely.

While taking this short leave, every day I would see or experience something and  think, "Wow, that would be a good subject to blog about." (Are the grammar police out there? I ended that sentence with a preposition.) Now that I'm sitting at the keyboard, I only have a few ideas. Also, I have a bunch of chores to do today so they will have to wait.

The weather has cooled a bit; the forecast calls for a high of 95 degrees today. The humidity is down a bit. It has been possible to sit on the deck in the late afternoon without sweat pouring and gasping for breath. I'm so glad.


Unknown said...

It's cooler here in Oklahoma too and it rained yesterday for the first time in a long time. Glad you're back.

Anonymous said...

You are so right, it really is a nice way to connect with people.

jay said...

i, too, am glad you've decided to continue with your posts. I read it everyday while i'm at lunch at the office. i even go back and read old posts because some are just so damn funny. keep 'em coming.