Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Jason told me about a very tasty, low calorie, low carb salad dressing. It only has three ingredients, one of which is buttermilk. When I went to the grocery, the smallest container of buttermilk available was a half gallon. I made the dressing this morning and was left with a ton of buttermilk. I decided against making a red velvet cake; I thought making biscuits was a better idea. I made three batches (I still have buttermilk.).

You can’t believe what a temptation biscuits are for me. I think the cake would have been the lesser temptation. I succumbed—I ate one! Now the guilt is killing me. I feel like I have no strength of character or will power. My glucose levels are down, but I have gained two pounds over the past few days. I guess that walk isn’t helping much. It’s so demoralizing.

But there is one thing I have to say. That was a damned good biscuit!

1 comment:

jay said...

the weight will go up and down frequently. I'm proof of that. Keep up the walking. it helps with so much more than weight loss.