Sunday, December 1, 2013

Remember and Laugh

November 29 was  my younger brother’s birthday. He died before his fiftieth birthday in 2006. I was reading some of our email recounted in my old blog. This is one of my favorites.

I had a terrible cold, and, in a moment of silliness and boredom, I wrote to him my discovery of the anti-gravitational property of snot. It seemed to be flowing uphill. I went on at some length. His reply:

“Sorry, but your febrile reaction to the rhinovirus you contracted must have had a deleterious effect on you synaptic responses.

In other words, the fever made you goody.

It is a well known fact that nasal mucus has anti-gravitational properties. The infamous  “Green Papers” covertly obtained by former “Area 51” employee, Hugh G. Schnoz, graphically describe the “black operations” and secret research as related to alien/human hybrid viral induced sinus drainage and the gravitation warping properties of said drainage.

The papers can be downloaded at”

I still miss his wit and his run-on sentences more than I can say.

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