Monday, June 1, 2015

Media Priorities

Today in our little town, Sen. Lindsey Graham announced his plans to run for President. It was quite a big deal in here in Central, SC. Our local media provided coverage of the event.

While I am not a supporter of Sen. Graham, I was a little surprised by our local NBC affiliate’s web page just after the announcement was made. The first story listed was not about a South Carolinian running for the office of President, but it was an article about Caitlin Jenner (once known as Bruce Jenner) and his reassignment surgery. As a matter of fact, Sen. Graham was the third story.

While I am not a supporter of Sen. Graham, I do believe that his announcement was a bit more newsworthy than that of the personal life of a former world class athlete.


Betty said...

I agree with you. I do wish the television news programs would concentrate on real news, and let Entertainment Tonight, etc. handle the news of celebrities. Ditto for the Kardashians.

Wally said...

That's why we have the government we have. We are governed by fools because the people are gawking at freak shows while the politicians (of all parties) are dismantling our democracy.