Thursday, July 26, 2007

Wally, This One's for You

I haven’t been able to comment on most of the blogs I read. When I start the comment process, a security alert box pops up asking if I want the unsecured items displayed. When I answer “yes,” the box pops up time after time, not allowing me to comment. I suspect it’s because of the many security updates that Mr. Microsoft sees fit to install on my computer. I don’t know how to fix it so here’s my comment to your yesterday’s post:

I would have paid money to see your little “dance” on the roof.

Only those of us of a certain age know of St. Vitus (whatever the spelling) dance. My granddad had a friend who was afflicted with a condition that my grandmother called St. Vitus dance. I suspect now that he actually suffered from Parkinson’s disease. When he came to visit Granddad, he was always dressed to nines, but the poor man shook uncontrollably, and he had trouble communicating. Granddad understood him, but as a 4-year-old, I couldn’t understand a word he said.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad no one else saw it.