Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Which End Is Up?

Every garbage pick-up day, I get up a little early to empty all the waste paper cans in the house and to put the receptacle on the street. The trucks on our route come any time between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. This morning as I was pulling the container to the street, I noticed that there only a few other containers ready for pick-up. “Hmmm,” I said to myself. “Is today a holiday? Do I have the wrong day? No, I distinctly remember thinking last night that I forgot to watch NCIS.” I also took note of the fact that the only cans on the street were those that are there all the time.

When I turned on the TV, I noticed in the program information that today is Tuesday, not Wednesday, our garbage day. Another lo-o-ong senior moment that began yesterday.

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