My lunch menu today was to be grilled chicken breasts, white rice, and corn. I prepared the rice as usual (I thought) and put in the microwave. I seasoned the chicken and put in on the grill. Mr. Fixit was in the living room trying to get a new heater going. (We are having heating problems during the coldest time in several years.) He called me into the living room and said he couldn't find the instructions. I went in, found the instructions, and went back into the kitchen. I noticed the smell of something burning. I thought it was the grill, but there seemed to be no problem when I checked. The microwave was doing its thing, but the smell of smoke and another noxious, chemically odor took my breath away. I open the oven and smoke came rolling out.
This was the result.

I think I forgot to add the water to the rice steamer, and the noxious fumes came from the melting microwave cookware.
In the almost 44 years that we've been married, I have cooked rice almost every day.
It's a staple of the Colombian and Venezuelan diet where Mr. Fixit was raised. I have overcooked it, undercooked it, and burned it a few times, but this was the first time I ever melted the pot.
I have often been told that I need a keeper. Never heard of melting microwave cookware. Perhaps you have a record there:)
Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I hate when that happens. I seem to do more and more stuff like that all the time. I think I need a keeper.
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