As a consequence, schools in the county started an hour late. Mr. Fixit made it to work with no problems encountered. As far as the late school opening, I suppose one reason is because part of our county has mountains (well, big hills) where the snowfall could have been heavier. When one school closes, or delays opening, all of them are affected.
When Mr. Fixit and I were out yesterday, we noticed noticed a lot of people stocking up on milk and bread. People in the South have a bit to learn about preparing for snow. When we lived in New England and a storm was forecast, the three items that left the shelves first were milk, bread, and bathroom tissue. New Englanders have their priorites in order.
It's still very cold; this morning it was about 24 degrees when I woke up which is about 10 degrees warmer that it's been for the last several days. The temperature has been falling even though the sun is shining. It's predicted to be about 10 degrees tonight. We have lived here since 1982 and this is the first time we have had such low temps lasting for so long. We usually have a few really cold days, but not this many in a row.
On another subject--This morning about 8:00 am when I was reading the Yahoo! news there was an article about the increase in jobs created in the last few months, seemingly another positive factor indicating a strenghtening economy. My reading was interrupted so I cook breakfast for Mr. Fixit. I mentioned the story to Mr. Fixit. When I resumed reading, the story had disappeared and the one taking its place described the loss of jobs in the last month or so which heralds not-so-good news for our economy.
Did I image the first story? Am I completely delusional? Can the press be considered unreliable? No, that can't be possible even though it seems quite often that I read one article or listen to one story on CNN and ten minutes later, completely different information is reported. It must be me; after all, we know that the press is all-seeing and all-knowing. And, we know that the news media checks its sources before publishing. Don't we know that? Hmmm. . .
1 comment:
I woke up to about 4 inches of snow this morning. Gotta love winter in Ohio -- NOT! I suppose it's worse if you're not used to it.
I'm in hibernation mode but God bless the elves who shoveled my walks.
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