Since last week weather forecasters have been predicting a big storm for this morning. I have lived in South Carolina long enough to say, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Whenever snow is forecast we usually get what I would call a dusting—2” or less. This time even I am impressed. We have about 6” to 8” on the ground around our house, and it’s still snowing.
There was a “big snow” back in 1988, but while it was enough to close everything in the area, it was only about 4” or 5”. This area doesn’t have the equipment to deal much snow. A snow plow has never been in our neighborhood. Coming from New England, 4” or 5” inches isn’t too confining because in N.E. there is lots of snow removal equipment, and, with the exception of New York City, most municipalities have the experience to deal with snow.
Today the snow is predicted to fall until the afternoon and then turn to sleet, freezing rain, and ice. I can deal with snow, but I hate ice. With ice, there is the possibility of losing electricity. I HATE that. I have prepared for it the best I am able. I have the gas grill and a camp stove for light cooking. I’m doing laundry this morning, the dishwasher has done its thing, and I have taken my shower much earlier than usual. The mp3 players and the telephones have a full charge, and my e-reader is charging now. We have kerosene for heat.
The only entertainment we will have if the power goes out is a battery powered DVD player, and books that I have already read. I hope Mr. Fixit has a big supply of batteries for the DVD player.
I have also taken the obligatory snow pictures.

I admit that I look forward to snow just like a kid who wants a snow day without school, but now that I’ve oohed and aahed the beauty and laughed at the cats who don’t know what to make of the the whole situation, I’m ready for it to go away.