Monday, January 3, 2011


Today is a very momentous day in our lives. I called this morning to have our landline phone service discontinued. For some reason, it’s left me feeling a bit insecure. I haven’t been without a home phone since I was a little girl living in the mountains of Tennessee. We lived in one area that did not have phone service available.

We are going to rely entirely on our cell phones. I have never become accustomed to keeping mine with me. I sometimes leave it in my purse or on the bedside table or wherever I happen to use it. Jason gets a little peeved when he calls and I can’t find my phone. I will have to do better. Mr. Fixit said I should start wearing my headset even in the house. I feel like Uhura on the Enterprise when I wear it. This was Ben’s suggestion. It looks like one of Mr. Fixit’s inventions.


The good part is that we upgraded our DSL. I’m looking forward to that. Another advantage of not having a landline is that we will avoid telemarketers (at least for the time being). Of course, we should also be paying about half of the usual landline bill even with the upgraded DSL service.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I need to discontinue also. The only calls we get on the land line are telemarketers. We kept it as long as we had dial up internet but now that we have satelite there's no nee.