Monday, November 8, 2010

Adventures in Dentistry

This morning I had an appointment at the dentist's office to have my teeth cleaned. I had never seen the hygienist before. Apparently, the person I usually see is no longer there.

While going to the dentist is not one of my favorite things to do, I'm not one to get nervous or scared of a little discomfort. Today may have changed my attitude. She was very rough, and it hurt! I once had a “deep” cleaning done by a periodontist that was nothing compared to this. I don't want to see her again, but I don't know how to tell them without hurting her feelings.

However, maybe I don't care if I hurt her feelings. She also made me angry. I know, I know. I'm being petty, but it offends me when people I've never met before call me “Sweetie,” “Dearie,” or “Honey.” If she couldn't remember my name, she could have just omitted calling me anything. After all, I was the only person in the room. She also talked to me the whole time she was doing her thing. Did she expect a reply when I had a mouthful of dental instruments? She also spoke to me as if I were a two-year-old. I may be 65 but I haven't reverted to my second childhood yet.

My mouth is sore, and I am a little TESTY! But I do have 6 months to get over it.


betty said...

You have every right to tell your dentist that the cleaning was painful. He will probably hear it from other patients, too.

Unknown said...

I have always dreaded having dental work. The dentist I see now has been gentle and painless. So, over the years I lost the fear and could sit in the chair without anxiety. Two weeks ago I had a root canal and very early in the process I had to tell him that I could feel it. He injected more anti-pain juice into my jaw and continued the procedure. It was painful. The dentist said he couldn't give me more anesthetic. I toughed it out, but now I'm back to dreading the dentists.

jay said...

Alisa and I told the girl up front of the hygenist we no longer wanted working on our teeth. She simply told us she would note to have another do, rather than making a note of who NOT to do it. It has been a difference of night and day since we spoke up.